5 Things Australians Need to Know About Working at Big White

Photo credit: Big White Ski Resort

For over 30 years, Aussies have been a crucial part of Big White. In fact, our friends from down under are such a big part of the resort, each year they celebrate Australia Day at Big White.

BC’s second most popular winter destination requires over 1000 staff members to run its day-to-day operations during ski season. It comes as no surprise that most of the staff come from Australia. What does it take to work up there if you live over 14,000km away?

Here are 5 things for Australians to keep in mind if they want to work at Big White.

1. Plan Your Working Holiday at Least a Year Ahead

Working Holiday
Two things to remember: work visa and finances. Before you look for work, make sure you can legally work in Canada and you have saved enough money to live here for at least a month after arriving. Once you have your work visa, can you apply for a job at Big White.Big White might also require for you to have travel insurance before your employment begins, so look into this before you arrive. And make sure to apply for your Social Insurance Number as soon as you land.

2. Apply for Work Directly or Through an Employment Company

You can work both directly on the mountain (as a ski instructor, for example), at one of the many small businesses in the Big White area, at some of the independently owned chalets, or at the local market.

Australians can also use the services of the International Exchange Program and The Working Holiday Club to help with securing work and accommodation. But this is a pretty pricey option, with costs exceeding $1000.

Keep in mind that some departments and managers might prefer an in-person interview rather than a Skype or phone interview. This is where your savings will come in handy.

3. Accommodation

Live up at Big White Rent or Buy

Big White Staff HousingPlan to spend at least $500 a month on rent with shared accommodations. In 2017, Big White also began a huge project on building staff accommodation at the resort, so there’s plenty of options out there.

If you plan on returning year after year to work at Big White it is a great idea to begin to look at buying. In the summer months you can rent it out and have it ready for your return in the winter. Mortgage qualifications are a little different when it falls as your primary residence and work place. You can have your own space and a place to call home after a long work day on the hill.

There are some great resources to help you find a place to stay. Join the official Big White Facebook group to inquire about accommodations, check out the Urban Retreat Hostel at the mountain, and visit Castanet, Kelowna’s homepage, for information on rentals. Check out my listings www.joanwolf.ca to live where you play.

4. Perks of Working at a Ski Resort

Why not have fun where you work?

Seasonal staff receive a number of great deals around the mountain:

• Free season pass
• Free group ski and snowboard school lessons
• Free snowshoe tours
• Up to 50% off food and beverage at restaurants, cafes, and bars
• Up to 50% at the Elevation Day Spa
• 40% off on rentals
• 15% off at retail outlets
• And more…

On a side note. Because of the short duration of the season you’ll likely get some of the taxes deducted from your paycheck back. How awesome is that?

5. You are a Part of a Team

Big White values its employees and the effort they put in their day-to-day work. Around mid-season, the resort has a staff Christmas party and each department usually throws its own party.

Staff also get to go to hockey games in Kelowna, BBQs, film nights, and countless other fun activities on and off the mountain. Not to mention making lifetime friends.

Whether you work a season or two, or more, the resort will surely have a special place in your heart. You might even decide to stay a bit longer. Live where you play and get in touch with me anytime if you want to make Big White your seasonal or forever home.

Joan Wolf

[email protected]
Office: 250-869-0101
Cell: 778-231-0308

Join Joan for a BIG White Real Estate Tour!

Saturday, Feb. 15
Starting at 2 pm
Meet at Joan Wolf’s office
under Snowshoe Sam’s in Big White Village

Join Big White’s leading Realtor, Joan Wolf, and tour stunning properties, savour delicious local cuisine at Bullwheel, and gain valuable insights into Big White’s top complexes and resort life.

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