
Big White Real Estate Market Update February 2020

Big White Real Estate market update for February shows the rush of the New Year went well into February as we are seeing many new listings popping up and an increase in sales over the same time last year. With new developments and amenities surfacing on the mountain, the demand for a Big White Ski Resort property is high.

Big White Real Estate Market Update

In January and February of this year, we saw 60 new listings hit the market, 30 in January and 30 in February. Comparing it to 54 last year it’s not a drastic leap, but the sales are considerably higher with 30 total sales this year so far. 2019 saw 20 in the first two months.

Also seeing an increase this month over last year in February is the average sale price. 2020’s average sale price in February was $468,850, up from last year, but down slightly from January 2020 which was $501,588. There have been 30 sales so far in 2020, 13 of them being in February. The increase in activity on the mountain confirms that sellers and buyers alike are ready to make moves.

If you are ready to list your Big White Ski Resort property now may be the best time to ensure your property has high profit potential. However, if you are looking to buy, the market is showing us that these listings are hot commodities and don’t last long. Contact me today!