Big White Real Estate is on Par With The Rest of BC

Big White Real Estate is on par with the rest of BC. You have likely seen in the news that the real estate industry in British Columbia, specifically the Interior, is breaking records. It has well exceeded many peoples expectations. Big White Ski Resort‘s real estate market is no exception.

For instance, January 2021 sales took a 35% increase from January of 2020. Sales from $99,400 to 1,540,000 took place in January with the transactions totalling over $12 million dollars. This created an average sale price of $531,670, a slight increase from January 2020’s average sale price of $501,588.

Big White Ski Resort Real EstatePeople are flocking to the resort to purchase vacation rentals for themselves and their families as well as purchasing investment homes to provide revenue. There are many options for whatever you are looking for in your Big White Ski Resort property. Whether it’s a lot for building your dream chalet, a commercial investment up to $10 million, a studio or anything in between.

From my office I get to see the bustle of the Village and the excitement that runs through the resort on the daily. There is no better time than now to get outside and enjoy everything this beautiful mountain has to offer.

This year, the resort has spent copious amounts of time and money ensuring they are following all new government protocols. I believe they have done an incredible job in keeping visitors and locals safe all seasons long.

If you are curious about stepping into the Big White market or ready to sell your lovely ski abode, contact me today and we can talk about your options. Now may be the best time for you to LIVE WHERE YOU PLAY!

Join Joan for a BIG White Real Estate Tour!

Saturday, Feb. 15
Starting at 2 pm
Meet at Joan Wolf’s office
under Snowshoe Sam’s in Big White Village

Join Big White’s leading Realtor, Joan Wolf, and tour stunning properties, savour delicious local cuisine at Bullwheel, and gain valuable insights into Big White’s top complexes and resort life.

Enter your email below to RSVP.

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